When most people mention sex toys, the first thing they think of is vibrators. There is a reason why vibrators are the mainstay of sex toys. With today's open concept, using vibrators has become a very normal behavior. Vibrators are becoming more and more common in bed. Why do people like vibrators and why should we use vibrators?
What’s the appeal of a vibrator?
There are certain reasons why vibrators have become the mainstream of sex toys. Vibrators can free people's hands and allow us to enjoy a better sexual experience. They can also relax our muscles, relieve stress and anxiety, and allow us to fall asleep better.
Vibrators are a great investment and come in many varieties and features. There are many sizes and colors for you to choose from. It can be used as a tool to assist foreplay, allowing you to better obtain sexual arousal. You can also use it when you are alone.
You can also add more stimulation during sex and have a pleasurable experience of mixed orgasms. The Rose Toy is a highly recommended vibrator and comes with a free charger when purchased in our shop.
Is using a vibrator healthy?
If vibrators are so attractive, are vibrators healthy for us? The answer is yes, research shows that using a vibrator can improve the function of your pelvic floor muscles, treat vulvar pain, and relieve urinary leakage, dyspareunia, and pelvic pain.
And using a vibrator not only allows us to have better orgasms, but also allows us to know what kind of behavior we like, what makes us feel pleasure, and describe it more accurately to our partners. It can also be used as a foreplay tool to achieve better and faster sexual arousal and obtain a faster and more ideal sexual experience. It can release hormones such as endorphins, dopamine, and oxytocin, allowing us to relieve stress and anxiety.
Why use a vibrator?
1. Orgasm gap
The orgasm gap between the sexes still exists. Adding sex toys to your sex life can reduce this gap. It is important for both parties to feel happy. It can also enhance mutual emotional and sexual intimacy.
2. Better enjoyment
Sexual stimulation, and sexual intercourse can make people feel pleasure. Most sex will bring people pleasure, except for some special circumstances or insufficient sexual lubrication, which leads to pain during intercourse. So it is very important to choose lubricant during sex. I recommend water-based lubricant to you. It is safe and suitable for most situations. Using lube not only reduces friction but also makes sex more pleasurable. At the same time, the release of some hormones during sex will also make us happier. Consensual, high-quality sex makes people happier, according to one study.
3. Promote sexual desire
Masturbation stimulates your body's desire, enhances your sexual desire, ignites the desire for sex and orgasm, and makes you feel good about sex. It’s also possible to be more sex-positive.

4. Relieve stress and anxiety
Using a vibrator is an effective way to relieve stress because it boosts endorphins and other hormones that relieve stress. Focusing on the process of sex and temporarily putting other things behind you can also be very helpful in relieving stress.
Usually after sex, we release prolactin and oxytocin, which will make us feel tired and sleepy. At the same time, sex can also make us sleep better, which is why many couples choose to do it before going to bed. Sex. If you don’t have a partner, don’t worry, you have a lot of sex toys to choose from. This is a way to free your hands and improve sleep at the same time. Why not?
5. Self-love is important
Using a vibrator can better explore your own body and your own preferences. It can provide you with good feelings and sexual pleasure whether you have a partner or not. You can do it exactly according to your own wishes and experience happiness. Of course, using vibrators is not only good for health and allows us to better understand our own preferences, but vibrators also have different types and functions. You can try a few more to find your favorite. You can also use them in combination to get better results. Stimulates a more intense orgasm experience.
How to use a vibrator better?
1. Use lubricating oil
Use some lubrication to make sex more exciting and fun. Use lube to make sex faster and reduce friction and increase comfort. If you don't know what lubricant to choose, my suggestion is water-based lubricant, a lubricant suitable for most situations.
2. Do a good job of cleaning
It is important to clean your vibrator before and after using it, not only for hygiene and health reasons, but also to increase the service life of the sex toy and allow you to enjoy sex more focused.